A Mobile client application in Google Android, for insurance claims workflow process

Tool provides assistance to house damage measurement system, uploads three data elements- pitch, scale and captured image, and transfers data to the estimation programs residing at a remote server, thereby helping claims workflow to determine the precise dimensions of a home’s damage details. Developed with open source tools: Android SDK 1.1_r1. This revolutionary application utilises advanced APIs of the SDK like android.
hardware and android. location to achieve camera capture and driving directions.

Logging in and getting the project list

A valid user can login from his Android phone and get the projects assigned to him. These projects get displayed in an expandable list fashion.

Each project is provided with three utilities as three icons- Driving directions from current location, Estimation form to upload, and Image Download.

Uploading the data:

  • User enters 3 required data fields Pitch, Scale & Image Capture in the phone application.
  • Pitch ( with Spinner), Scale parameters using the Phone keyboard and screen stencil.
  • ‘Image Capture’ button click will lead to a camera preview. With the satisfied preview, user can click on the device camera button to take the picture.
  • The picture sits in the SD card at a predetermined location. And the screen goes back to the Estimation screen.
  • User can upload all the data elements to the remote server where the estimation programs reside.
  • During this upload process, the image is automatically appended along with pitch and scale values.
  • Tool provide utilised Apache HTTP Client to connect to services over HTTP or HTTPS and exchange XML data with services.
  • Utilised background threads to perform long running network IO operations, to optimise UI thread performance.